A delicate balance to support life on earth is provided to us by Mother Nature. One of them is the creation of forests, trees and abundance of grasslands to provide us with the most important element to survive, OXYGEN.

Despite such a colossal important role played by the trees,  they are being cu down in huge numbers over the last few decades and it has started causing tremendous problems for humans, animals and the ecosystem.

"Deforestation" basically refers to the decrease in the forest cover around the globe. This can be due to natural activities or human intervention. According to the prediction of NASA, 100years from now there will be no forest cover left since already half of the tropical rainforests on earth are lost in deforestation. Brazil, Indonesia, Africa, Thailand and the Democratic republic of Congo are some of the hardest hit countries losing hectares and hectares of forest land. Over 90% of the United States' forests have been destroyed because of agriculture, industrialization, capitalism, urbanization, etc...

Millions of acres of forests are being destroyed every year which surprisingly will lead to huge loss to the upcoming generations.
Trees are an important part of the biotic system to which other life systems are either directly or indirectly connected.  

The deforestation rates going on across the globe, is gonna prove a potential threat to the planet in the few upcoming years.

Forests cover 30% of the land surface and they are crucial for thr quality of air we breathe and from that 20% comes under Amazon Rainforest. Forests are also important for the quality of rivers' waters that is consumed directly by the living beings and for the regulation of water cycle.
They also play an imporant role in fighting climate change as they soak up and store CO2 into ther biomass, preventing it from going to the atmosphere. 80% of the worl biodiversity can be found in forests. There's way more what forests can do. They help minimize the impacts of storms and floods by controlling soil erosion as tree roots make the soil stronger. The incredible biodiversity of forests should be appreciated for its contribution to the human development in areas such as healthcare, pharmaceutics and recently is also inspiring the eco-design of products as we learn from nature's best practices.

We transform and utilize the raw material from forests, such as wood and timber and use them to make  several commodities like toilet-paper, napkins, corks or notebooks, tables and chairs, etc... And of course, avocados cocoa, acai, mangoes, coffee.....


  1. To live a longer life on this earth, it's mandatory to now the inevitable need of preserving trees. Well written.๐Ÿ‘ Keep up.

  2. You have shared a nice information it is giving idea how the forest cover over the global is decreasing.The most important thing is that you are giving importance of forest. Thank you for giving this important information of forest.

  3. I hope this initiative would be taken seriously by the people. It important to save our forest, thereby saving our life!

  4. Nice info. Which creates awareness among the people to save our green forest๐ŸŒฒ

    1. Thank you. Hope this small step of ours create awareness and solve this problem of deforestation.

  5. When the productive lands lose their essence, our productive lives shall least have essence!


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